The Nebraska Canvas Consortium

In June 2020, the Nebraska Department of Education (NDE) partnered with Instructure to deploy the Canvas Learning Management System (LMS) to public and non-public schools across Nebraska. At the time of the announcement, Canvas was already widely adopted within the state’s K-12 education system and had become the primary LMS for Nebraska’s universities, state colleges, and community colleges. Canvas serves as a collaborative platform, streamlining various educational functions such as content creation and dissemination, resource sharing, grading, feedback, reporting, outcomes tracking, and task management. This LMS plays a crucial role in simplifying teaching and learning by consolidating the variety of digital tools teachers utilize into a single, user-friendly interface. For further insights on the benefits of Learning Management Systems, feel free to explore our informative PDF titled “Why a Learning Management System is Useful“.

As of August 2023, the Nebraska Canvas Consortium was made up of 190 public and nonpublic districts.

About the Nebraska Statewide Contract

The Nebraska statewide contract is renewed every two years. This agreement offers Nebraska schools a reduced implementation fee, subsidized seat costs, Tier 1 technical support (available 24/7), along with access to the Canvas training portal. Additionally, districts can receive guidance/training from Nebraska Canvas experts for implementation and professional development at NO COST.

For answers to other common inquiries about Nebraska’s Canvas Consortium, please refer to this FAQ document. Should you have further questions, please reach out to

Professional Development Opportunities

Canvas Monthly Administrator Meetings:

Join our monthly administrative gatherings designed exclusively for Nebraska Canvas administrators. These meetings last approximately one hour and are held virtually via zoom. Each meeting follows a structured agenda:

  • Exploring One Big Idea: An educational segment to foster growth in Canvas proficiency
  • Canvas New Releases: Uncovering the latest features and enhancements that contribute to Canvas greatness.
  • Questions and Extras: During this time we answer questions, talk about upcoming PD opportunities, or extras as they relate to Canvas.

To be added to these monthly meetings please email Deb Hericks at

In School Canvas Professional Development

Our team of Nebraska Canvas specialists is eager to visit your school! Whether it involves collaborating with administrators to implement Canvas effectively or assisting your staff in becoming proficient with Canvas, our experts are ready to support you. If you are a member of the Nebraska Canvas Consortium, all in-school training is provided at no cost. To schedule a visit or seek clarification, please reach out to us at

Upcoming Scheduled Events

Coming Soon!

How to sign up to be part of the NE Canvas Consortium

Contact Deb Hericks,, at the Educational Service Unit Coordinating Council if you have additional questions.